Ministry of Energy and Water Signs Agreement with Chinese Company

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The Ministry of Energy and Water announces the signing of an agreement with a Chinese company to invest in energy production projects from domestic resources in Afghanistan.

Abdul Latif Mansoor, acting Minister of Energy and Water, urged the company not only to invest in energy production but also to support projects for energy transmission lines and the strengthening of distribution substations. Although Afghanistan has considerable energy resources, it has not yet achieved self-sufficiency in this field.

Matiullah Abed, spokesperson for the Ministry of Energy and Water, said: “The acting Minister of Energy and Water signed a cooperation agreement with China’s Dongfeng company. During the signing ceremony, the minister highlighted Afghanistan’s readiness for investment and urged the company to invest in energy transmission lines and distribution substation projects.”

Meanwhile, officials from the Ministry of Energy and Water met with the head of Turkey’s 77 Construction Company to discuss accelerating the second phase of the Kajaki Dam.

According to ministry officials, the head of the Turkish company also expressed plans to begin a 200-megawatt wind power project in Herat, pending approval from ministry leadership.

An economic expert commented: “This year, it is important to encourage investors, whether domestic or foreign. Countries in the region, like Turkey, China, Iran, and Pakistan, have companies that have been permitted by the government to come and invest.”

Some economic experts view investment in energy production from local resources as a crucial step.

 “The Ministry of Energy and Water must take swift and serious action to reduce dependence on imported electricity and utilize domestically generated power for industrial parks,” said Shams-Ur-Rahman Ahmadzai, an economic analyst.

Previously, the acting Minister of Energy and Water said that he had invited foreign companies to invest in Afghanistan’s energy sector during his recent visit to China.

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